Title : Diamond Eternity Band 36 X 2/100 ct
Size : 36 diamants de 2/100 ct
Boutique code : ET.A.509
Internet reference : 3ETO0009P0093ETO509
Price : 8567 $ Canadien ( Veuillez ajouter la TPS 5 % Canada et la TVQ 9,5 % Québec )
Description :
18K yellow gold eternity band with 36 diamonds of 2/100 ct F VVS1 Ideal cut. Meticulously hand-crafted without casting.
Ring size on the picture : No. 6 1/4
The price vary according to the ring size
Working material : Anneau sans soudure plané départ: 24/10 mm Griffes: 6,4/10 mm
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