Title : Silver Pendant Canadian Peridot
Size :
Boutique code : PEAF59
Internet reference : 10PE0004D0090PEAF59
Price : 533 $ Canadien ( Veuillez ajouter la TPS 5 % Canada et la TVQ 9,5 % Québec )
Description :
Sterling silver drop shaped pendant, with a 4,5 mm facetted round canadian peridot (Ligthning PK).
The price does not include the chain.
Pendant width : 11 mm, height (without bail) : 17,6 mm
Meticulously handcrafted with no casting involved and using only very high quality and unique precious stone, this piece of jewelry is one of a kind.
(All unique pieces can be found on the “Gallery” page.)
Working material :
Pendant sheet thickness : 38/10 mm
Ring : round wire 12/10 mm
Half round wire bail : width 19/10 mm (Avpli: 18 mm)
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